1. Does not increase muscle mass
1. Does not increase muscle mass
And so this's a hidden benefit because this proves that creatine is not a drug. What genuinely happens in the real life to your body when you snap creatine... the vitality supply your body uses for fast muscle movements like weight training is known as ATP-CP. How are you affected is you body breaks down ATP and the breaking up of those bonds releases electricity that you should use.
Creatine normally occurs in the entire body, but if you place even more to the computer of yours, you're allowing your body to take ADP, the ensuing amino acid from the break down of ATP, and switch it back into ATP. This simply gives muscle tissue more energy.
Muscle mass increase not from creatine, but due to the extra energy which creatine is allowing the body of yours to produce. This allows you to complete more reps and at times heavier weights.
2. Creatine allows you brainpower
2. Creatine gives you brainpower
Say what? More energy to grow your muscle mass and here increased brainpower? This creatine is beginning to seem like a miracle supplement.
Researchers in the Faculty of Sydney and Macquarie University - http://Www.Encyclopedia.com/searchresults.aspx?q=Macquarie%20University ran a study which found increased brain capacity. The test provided an IQ test and things such as remembering numbers chains. They applied vegetarians because creatine is manufactured in the muscles of family pets too, they didn't want those dosages of creatine to adversely affect the results of theirs.
Nevertheless, they found that in the short-term the individuals that received creatine were able to do better at each test. Dr. Rae, a physician in the Faculty of Sydney, was quoted as saying... "creatine supplementation provide a serious measurable improvement to brain power." Pretty awesome huh?
3. best creatine brands on amazon - https://www.kitsapdailynews.com/national-marketplace/best-creatine-for-w... can fight cancer
4. Creatine fights the advancement of Parkinson's Disease
5. General health in middle to older age males & ladies gets better